Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Art of Understanding - (A Journal Entry 7-12-09)

<~A Slave to the Unknown (I Am)~>

Whilst I am not your typical academically accomplished spokesman, nor advocate. I am an idealist of sort, bent on the theory;"The only way to rid ignorance, is to to arm ourselves with intelligence."

Truly, in today's society, and the ever-increasing demands to meet the status quo, there appesrs great confusion as what it is that is deemed as intelligent -vs- sufficient knowledge. Across the spectrum, we ultimately must determine for ourselves the course of action we take to equip ourselves with understanding, knowledge, and wisdom.

Hypothetically, we often associate Harvard, Princeton, Oxford, and several other top-rate institutions as the leaders in the field of education, and I am not attempting to argue these schools & colleges produce genius everyday.

However, let it be we also recognize the "raw intelligence" that established much of the footings, foundations, and pillars prior, whereby, many-a-great minds were preserved in these institutions, and yet Not all of those whom we've come to know, even studied or idolized in an attempt to immulate their genius, were so priviledged to have attended the prestigious colleges, have ,nor held degrees from any of the aforementioned academic establishments.

Theory has it, many of us are intimidated by another's academic grandeur, prestige, or collegic accomplishments. Even still, we musn't allow another's accomplishments to detour us from finding our own special talent, passion, or in essence; genius capabilities.

Throughout history it has been documented that some of the greatest inventors, musicians, poets, writers, mathematicians, artists, and people of all fields of research have broken the thresholds of genius, without necessarily having any formal training.

How then might we view ourselves? or measure up to some of the unique collaborative genius efforts of others, if we sit awestruck, intimadated, or led to believe; we ourselves do not possess those same capabilities?

I'm here to tell you true. I only have an 8th grade education, formally. However, there remains a passion, a underlying desire to write and educate people, lead, and teach people, and still... Even I am left to question if my dreams are right?

Or am I wrong to believe there is no particular measure of intelligence greater than another. Whilst the "Beautiful Minded" and "The Goodwill Hunter's" and "Edisons", "Beethovan's", Edgar Allen Poe's", "Martin Luther's" and 1000's of others have systematically fascinated and haunted me to a degree, I have come to believe wholeheartedly: "We are all given equal shares of genius, for it counter-balances by our ignorances in the areas we don't comprehend."

Although, I am just writing from a spirited intuition, it leaves me to wonder; "how might I hope to correct upon my prior ignorances, and focus my attention on bridging the gaps of ignorance we've all contributed to throughout our live. Be it by virtue of fear, lack of discipline, or simply due to the fact we didn't know better; there's no excuse for us to impose our wills upon each other in a manner less respectful than that which we can only hope and pray becomes us.

Therefore, as I walk amidst my fellow man/woman, and I silently observe the nature of our being, I've come to the realization; In our independent quest for intelligence, independence, and the ever-so-long expedition that drives us to seek the essence of freedom as those before us, we can only obtain the capacity to learn, if we come to realize our ignorances.

Ultimately, I exist in the balance, and walk between the shadows and the light... for without one the other would not be. Hence, Newton's; "Theory of Motion" ~"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction' and such is so with all things.

For if we push one object; be it physical, mental, spiritual, even metaphysical, we will always experience a force that by science and mathematics, philosophy & psychology, even theocracy & hypocracy... returns equal measures from the opposite force.

"The Writing's On The Wall", and so be it in this jungle I make my bed with lions, snakes, and the fool's who knew not.... whilst continuing to search for a more befitting resolve to rid ignorance, and equip the less fortunate with intelligence. Leaving one to wonder; who then is truly the misfortunate?

Those who know not?


Those of us who do?

I know, I can never know enough, and as such I will continue to seek, to hunt, to find that which I may only hope and pray will eventually subside this ever-present void, this hunger, by reasons beyond my understanding continues to crave more understanding, knowledge, and wisdom...

Yet, I too know; as be it with this life, and the pursuit of happiness, love, and freedom, they share stock in a truth that in totality is unobtainable, less it be the balance would be broken!

Might I hope to have only scratched your brain, touched your heart, and left your spirit feeling as free, as does mine when I write. By God as my witness, it all makes perfect sense; Yet I know not where I got this vision & insight, and even better still... I haven't a clue what to do with it!

Hopefully, it will transend time, and touch another's heart, inspiring one or many to assemble the next peiece of life's puzzle for the next, whereby, if we can maintain enough intelligence to keep the balance, and ignorance at bay... our children might still have a chance to raise their children.

Truly, it perplexes me to wonder; can we ever become greater than the other, when comparing Ignorance ~vs~Intelligence?

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