If I must humble myself to succumb to being God's pawn in an unruly game of chess...
So be it!
Let my humility serve as both a weapon and a tool, in bringing it forthwith.
For if so, should this war be taken to the king and queen's front door...
Then at least I know...
I played my part in fighting for something pure.
Because in the end, the measure of a man is not bought with gold, but sweat...
By overcoming fear for peace and love...
Remains the true virtues of success.
Thus, I take my rightful place in the name of truth...
Defending the oppressed...
Rise to this occasion one and all, with love in thy heart...
Dare you not fret.
Truly, us pawns in number outweigh all the kings and queens...
Over all of God's splended green Earth!
Art Moran

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